With the skyrocketing prices of plastisol inks, it was important to create an ink for any printer that wants to take a stand against crazy ink prices.
FN-INK™ was designed by screen printers, for screen printers. One thing printers want is to save as much money as possible. FN-INK™, also known as Financially Necessary Ink, costs half the amount of standard plastisol inks on the market. Since the ink has the low-cure property, printers save even more since they’ll be using less energy in their shop and decreasing their time in production. FN-INK™ gives printers better ROI.
The Global Market of plastisol ink Manufacturers is small, and the list seems to be consolidating more and more, even as prices continue to increase. We are excited to introduce FN-INK™ as one of the few, NEW, plastisol ink lines to become available to the Global Market that is BOTH Effective and Economical. FN-INK™ is excited to partner with Achitex Minerva, an industry-leading, Italian ink manufacturer with a long history of serving the screen printing ink markets throughout Europe.
Not only does FN-INK™ cost less than the standard plastisol ink, it works just as effectively, if not better. FN-INK™ is short-bodied and creamy, making it extremely easy to work with. The 15 ready-to-use colors can be pulled straight from the bucket to the press. The colors of the ink are vibrant and rich, and the ink has one of the softest feels for plastisol ink.
FN-INK™ gets even better. The classic line of 15 colors also unlocks the FN-INK™ Mixing System. Only needing to add in the mixing white, printers can mix whatever colors they want. Or, they can continue using ink straight from the bucket if a customer doesn’t request a Pantone color. No need to have buckets and buckets of ink taking up all their shelves. With one system, printers have all the plastisol ink they’d ever need.